Top Beauty Products That Give Back to Mental Health Causes

Top Beauty Products That Give Back to Mental Health Causes

Do good by looking good? Yes. Yes, you can.

We’re all looking for new ways to boost our moods, but not in a mindless-shopping or consumption-just-because kind of way. According to a report from Havas Group, 64 percent of us prefer buying from brands that care about purpose along with profit, and 77 percent expect companies to support them. Gen Z, in particular, appreciates corporations that care: 72 percent, per one survey, say they’re more likely to buy from companies that contribute to social causes.

When the social cause you care about is mental health, the beautysphere is suddenly, happily, here for you. What’s not on our list? Creams that cost a month’s rent but donate, like, 2 cents to their chosen initiatives. Everything here makes a meaningful contribution to your skin, your mood, and our collective well-being.


How It Helps You: One of the first over-the-counter “microdermabrasion” exfoliants, this creamy scrub has as many accolades as Beyoncé. It’s been reformulated with natural, biodegradable ingredients—like biocellulose crystals made from renewable wood pulp, alpha hydroxy acids, and vegan lactic acid—but still buffs away dead cells like a champ. The result? A lovely little skin gleam and, hopefully, a little-brighter mood, too.

How It Helps Everyone: Dr. Fredric Brandt, M.D., was a famous dermatologist, beloved for his ability to inject fillers in the most undetectable way while singing as he worked. The Dr. Brandt Foundation donates $1 from every purchase of this cult-favorite scrub to mental health programs. The Foundation also hosts a speaker series that features prominent artists, athletes, and cultural arbiters—on topics such as body image, and race and mental health—to help end stigma.

URL: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/top-beauty-products-back-mental-040000940.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHIyU__GR79taZK51oJzHV_RKL4ZAvk-VMntUTbKkeHOCyLfJ6ytoHLs5Gr-bPGkAEswX3j3vS62s2L1CtXxfIYl_LOs8XuqbyCMhgxKqVvILAUeWiA8odfccjptYByNvU9vwqyjXx2qOoSNO53LMemima6hejn5O80nsYM6EUzd