Are prebiotics and probiotics good for your skin ?

Are prebiotics and probiotics good for your skin ?

As the registered dietitian on the skincare advisory board, I wanted to explain the importance of pre and probiotics when it comes to skin care and why our biotics line is so effective! So let’s start with the basics:

What are probiotics?

 woman washing her face in front of the mirror

Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in our intestines and on our skin. They have been around for many years but have recently gained more popularity. Research has found that they have the power to boost our energy, mood, and immune system, regulate our digestion, and now we know they even have the power to improve the health and appearance of our skin. Many types of bacteria are categorized as probiotics like Lactobacillus, found in yogurt, and Bifidobacterium found in other dairy products. Probiotic supplements can now also be found in pill and powder form.

What are pre and probiotics exactly?

Prebiotics are the “food” or energy source for probiotics, Prebiotics fuel probiotics to flourish and proliferate, making less room for the bad bacteria. Pre and probiotic-rich foods are our gut’s best friends. Prebiotics are found in the fibers of fruits and veggies, especially artichoke, asparagus, garlic, onion, chicory root, and leeks. Live probiotics are found in fermented foods like kimchee, kombucha, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

What probiotics and prebiotics do for your skin?

Let’s start with the skin-gut connection. Our skin acts as the body’s mirror as to what is going on inside. Breakouts, acne, redness, rosacea, and irritation happening on our skin may very well be our body’s way of shouting that our gut’s microbiome is out of balance and inflammatory responses are going on. So first and foremost, gut health is number one when it comes to having healthy, radiant skin. If we are not taking care of our gut, skin care products will just act as a band-aid on a bullet wound. So now that we’ve covered the importance of taking care of our gut let’s talk about our favorite topic here at Dr. Brandt, the skin!

woman covering her face with her hands

Our skin has its own microbiome or ecosystem. As the skin is exterior facing, it needs all the back-up it can get for the constant fight with environmental pollution, dirt, sweat, and UV damage. Our biotics line contains prebiotics derived from chicory root that works to enhance the good bacteria that are strengthening the skin’s acid mantle. The acid mantle acts as the skin’s natural barrier to the exterior world, which is full of environmental pollutants. It also works to lock in moisture to keep our skin looking youthful.

The pH level of the skin refers to how acidic or alkaline it is on a scale of 1-14. One is the most acidic to 14, which is the most alkaline. A neutral reading of your skin’s pH is considered 7. Our skin’s ideal pH is 5.5 when the pH level becomes imbalanced, conditions such as acne and rosacea result.

Do prebiotics help with acne?

Acne is a skin condition that flairs up when the hair follicles become plugged causing whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face and upper part of the body. When the skin is too alkaline, it can be more susceptible to acne. A level of acidity is needed to prevent bacterial growth on the skin. At the opposite side of the spectrum, skin that is treated with products that are too acidic can over-strip natural oils, which can temporarily disrupt the lipid barrier of the skin and weaken the skin’s natural defenses. Your skin might start to look red, irritated, and more prone to breakouts. Prebiotics can help you maintain a healthy pH balance.

Do probiotics help with rosacea?

Rosacea is not a well-understood skin condition though it affects millions of people. Scientists believe that the redness of rosacea is a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Eating foods high in probiotics and taking supplements rich in probiotics can help to balance the good bacteria because inflammation is tied closely to bacteria.

Choosing the right prebiotic skin care products

Probiotic and prebiotic skincare DrBrandt

So how does the biotics line work to enhance the skin’s microbiome and keep skin looking radiant? Every product in the biotics line contains the exclusive Biotic Balancing Complex. It combines the skin benefitsof yogurt with the prebiotic activity of Inulin; a polysaccharide derived from chicory. This complex maintains skin health and helps to restore the skin’s microbiological balance by helping to rid the skin of pathogenic bacteria without stripping its naturally occurring “friendly” microorganisms. It also provides the skin with all the benefits of yogurt: proteins, lactose, vitamins, and minerals.

The Biotic Balancing Complex also includes a Lactococcus Ferment Lysate obtained from a probiotic bacteria, which accelerates the recovery of the skin’s barrier function. Also included in the formulas to complement the power of biotics:

• Antioxidant Blend, composed of green tea, white tea and grapeseed extract, which helps protect the skin from free radical damage

• Chlorophyll, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, helps detoxify, reduce irritation and soothe the skin.

• Hyaluronic Acid and Glycerin, powerful humectants that help skin attract and retain moisture.

As you can see, the biotics line offers a truly complete action to maintain skin health and help restore the microbiological balance of the skin. Questions regarding skin and gut health or nutrition in general? Send them in and be sure to follow me @mollysbest for nutrition and healthy cooking inspiration!

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